The Dagum Truth!
What started as a vision by some like-minded individuals starving for knowledge, turned out to be one of the best decisions made in our careers. Determined to get realistic, cutting-edge speakers and hands on training to the Firefighters in the area we set out to get the best there was. We knew by doing so that we would be putting a better, stronger, more knowledgeable product on fire apparatuses for our Citizens. The relationships and networking that we would build would benefit us for a lifetime. There was nothing left but hard work!
The year of 2021, trial runs were done with a class hosted by the Live Oak Fire Department Training Division. This was the first time we hosted a class on a large scale requiring a remote location, sponsors, booths, and of course a class. The outcome was a huge success. We knew at this point that going bigger and better was the only option. Like-minded individuals went to work. We knew the cutting-edge Instructors we wanted to bring in for the inaugural conference. A phone call was made and booked right on the spot. The Live Oak Professional Firefighters Association was approached about being the financial backer. All proceeds would go to programs that would give back to the Community and Firefighters. Programs such as, the Burn Out Fund, scholarships for citizens wanting to get into the Fire Service, scholarships for firefighter's family members for college, sending firefighters to trainings that are not funded by the training budget, as well as helping firefighters that are in need.
Fastforward through all the logistics, sponsors and hard work, The South Texas Professional Firefighter's Conference was born. The inaugural South Texas Professional Firefighter's Conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Live Oak, Texas was a 2-day event with 7 of the best fire service minds you could get! With keynote speaker Chief Corley Moore leading the way! Fellowship was had, relationships built, the brotherhood became stronger than ever. Over 100 Firefighter's from all over the United States came to take part in this conference. A live weekly Mega Scrap was done for the first time ever with a live audience. When it was all said and done the buzz was that this was a huge success. So, in Texas fashion...everything's bigger! DAGGUMMM! The next step was to go bigger. 5 days, with lecture's and H.O.T. classes. During the inaugural conference the word that kept getting thrown around was "Dagum", and so, The Dagum Texas Fire Conference was born.